About Your Career Counselor


Janet Maltbie, M.A.

Your career counselor has been a professional career counselor in the state of Ohio with over 20 years experience helping students and people in transition make wise career choices.

Her work has involved helping women re-enter the job force as a career counselor through the Commission for Women in Maryland and most recently, guiding students in the career and college planning process as an academic counselor at Lorain County Community College (LCCC). 

 After 13 years at LCCC, Janet transitioned to an adjunct faculty position, exclusively teaching a Career Exploration and Life Planning class, meeting with clients individually and pursuing her work as the producer and host of the No Loan Zone podcast. 

Janet loves working with students to give them the best possible college or career experience. She helps them create a plan to know what the return on the investment will be with a solid direction so they can become self-sufficient and happy.

    Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
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